This is a little footage winter camp. Much was not recorded though. We fell in love with the beautifull people of Norway. God did amazing things at camp and also at the churches-miracles, healings, diverance...thanks for all prayer support!
Easter in Norway
The Lord gave me a vision of an open heaven when we first got there. I began to prophesy this to the people of Norway and was very well recieved. They were so hungry and honoring of us. I did't not feel the type of religious opposition that I would normaly feel on American soil. Our words did not fall to the ground. What a blessing it is to be back! Now that we have known each other more, it seems felt very comfortable and at home with our wonderful Norweigian family. We love them dearly. We felt the warmth of thier love as well. Most of my message ended up changing towards love, "the currancy of heaven." The kindom of God doesn't advance because we preach well. It advances when we love well! Pictures:
After the youth camp, we spoke at one of the local churches, almost everyone came up for prayer. So many miracles and healings! I have not yet seen this kind of healing in the USA. Everybody that I remember praying for got healed. Legs grew out quick. God healed thier bodies, thier hearts and filled them with the Holy Ghost!
We were immidiately rushed to another local church. I really had to lean on the Lord for strength. The whole time we were there, we realy did'nt sleep much. I was always awaken early to pray. The Lord did not cease to supply our needs. We were able to preach boldly and signs and wonders did follow. Joe Tores, prays for a Muslim lady who gets healed and becomes a Christian that day!
I'm so proud of Joe and Andy, two young adults who payed thier own way to Norway, and God used them powerfully. I actually learned something new in the Word through Andy as he gave his message at winter camp. He had an amazing alter call.
I love all that the Lord was doing, all the miracles, and watching young people at the camp, whom at first wanted nothing to do with Jesus, later came up crying and repenting. But most of all, I truely love the wonderful people of Norway. They so honored us. I saw tears running down Andy's face as we were saying goodbye to our hosts. I thank my pastor as well, who pioneered the way ahead of us. He had much to do with why they trust and open their hearts to us. It seemed like we had no resistance, that could stand, from the enemy. Thank you for all your prayers and support! We really felt it while we were there.
Easter in Norway
Easter Camp Video
Highlights of the camp with music and lots of laughs!
Healing Breaks Out
After our last meal together, healing just broke out at the pastor Dzung's house
The Father's Lovesong
Almost everyone cried in this meeting! I cried watching this on video later as the Fathers love touch and began to heal my own heart.
Walk and Talk with God (Vietnamese Translation)
The Lord instructed me not to use my notes and gave me a different message on the last day of camp.
Love: the Currancy of Heaven (vietnamese translation)
The kindom of God doesn't advance because we preach well. It advances when we love well!

Coming out of Captivity (Norweigian Translation)
God created us with the longing for pleasure and to be fascinated. We can't repent for these longings and they won't go away. God wants to fullfill these longings, but so does the enemy!
The Anointing (Norweigian translation)
To preach the gospel to th poor, heal the broken hearted, and set the captive free.
Confronting Witchcraft in the Church (norweigian translations)
Whicraft is using an unholy spirit to minipulate, dominate or control others.
Con mong doi Cha
Music and lyrics by Stephen Nguyen
Stephen Nguyen Testimony (tieng Viet)
The lord Jesus appear to me in a dream during the end of my third year in prison.
Unusual prayer meeting at the Church
So amazing to see such freedom and joy!