The Lord shal go forth like a warrior
The lord shall go forth like a warrior
Stir up his zeal like a man of war,
He will raise a battle cry
He will crush His enemies...
I will abandon myself
The lord shall go forth like a warrior
Stir up his zeal like a man of war,
He will raise a battle cry
He will crush His enemies...
I will abandon myself
I hear You calling, drawing me to yourself
Your unfailing love, has captured me
Lord You have my heart, I will search for yours
YouI will abandon myself for You..
Your unfailing love, has captured me
Lord You have my heart, I will search for yours
YouI will abandon myself for You..
Your loving kindness is better than life
Your lovingkindness is better than life
my lips will praise you
and I will bless you while I live
I lift my hands to Your name
How long O Lord
Your lovingkindness is better than life
my lips will praise you
and I will bless you while I live
I lift my hands to Your name
How long O Lord
How long O Lord, will you hide your face from me?
How long O Lord willyou forget me forever?
Yet I will praise You, I will trust in Your faithfullness
Yet I will praise you, my soul must fing rest in You
many waters can not Quench your love
nor can floods overwelm it
set me as a seal upon your heart
set me as a seal upon your arm
How long O Lord willyou forget me forever?

Yet I will praise you, my soul must fing rest in You
Set Me as a seal upon your heart!
many waters can not Quench your love

set me as a seal upon your heart
set me as a seal upon your arm
As I wait (con mong doi Cha)
Come to me, like a warm summer breeze,
as I wait here for You
Talk to me, Your voice is so sweet, as I wait here for You
and your face is so lovely, so beautiful to me
Come to me, like a warm summer breeze,
as I wait here for You
Talk to me, Your voice is so sweet, as I wait here for You
and your face is so lovely, so beautiful to me